Monday, February 14, 2011

1/2 day fishing Feb 13th 2011

The Intrepid had just arrived from a 15 day trip when I got down to the docks. These are a few of the Yellowfin Tuna they caught

it is hard to have a bad day with this view!

The Coronado Islands

from left to right a whitefish, sand dab, two starry rockfish and a chucklehead

This is a tree fish...some dude caught it and didnt want to keep it
This was not the best day of fishing. The old saying the worst day of fishing is better then the best day at work is so true though....
The weather was good (although I prefer a bit more heat it IS February), the water was flat and I did catch some fish.
I took 2 Dramamine in the hopes that I wouldn't get sick (although there wasn't much chance of that happening with flat seas) and I wanted to nap!!
I didn't get one of my famous boat naps in...too many loud boys telling fish stories so I ended up groggy all day from the Dramamine haha...
On the way in I dozed a little.
When we fish for Rockfish we go in water anywhere from 100-400 feet and use heavy sinkers 8 ounce or so. Then you can use multiple hooks (I had 2). It is a little different type of fishing. I use either live bait or cut squid. You drop down (it is always best to be the first one down) and wait for a tap tap tap on your line then you try to time it so that when the fish is biting you wind up and they get hooked. You can then drop back down and try to get the second hook loaded (you risk losing the one on there though) then wind up!
I use to go DEEP WATER rock cod fishing. We would use multi hook ganion (that is what you call it when you tie on a bunch of hooks on a breakaway swivel), with 4-8 POUND weights. We would fish in water up to 1000 feet maybe? We had GIANT reels with dacron line on them. The rods had these plates on them that you would lay on the rail and big handles. You would crank for a long time to get those things up!!
No one offers those kind of trips in the day range but I think some of the overnight boats do....maybe someday...

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