Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Last boat to Mexico

There is a lot of regulations in fishing. # of rods, hooks, types of fish, size of fish, limits... One thing nice about going on the open party boats is they know & help adhere to the regs. There is very stiff penalties & huge fines for breaking fish law! In US waters rockfish can not be kept from Nov-Mar. That is why the 1/2 day boats were going to Mexico and running one trip daily. March 1st is the US opener for rockfish so I headed our Feb 28th on the last 1/2 day trip to Mexico. The 3/4 day boats will still go down to Mex but that is a long trip & harder for me to go that long.
There had been a storm Sat & I had wanted to go Sun but was afraid of the conditions. Usually day after a storm the wind kicks up & the water is rough. In this case it was a great day of fishing & I missed out!
So I didn't want to miss out again I hoped on the boat Mon.

I went on the New Seaforth this time & it was a very nice FAST boat. Unfortunately the conditions I expected Sun showed up Mon & fishing was not good.
It was chilly and windy. Still never a bad day out on the water just not ideal.

One guy did manage to get 2 fish on one hook! That rarely happens and was a highlight of the trip haha

Now that the trips are local and run twice a day should be able to go more often & hopefully the water will warm up & we will start catching fish!!!

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1 comment:

  1. The 2 fish thing is REALLY neat! I'll have to ask my dad if that has ever happened to him!
