Thursday, April 21, 2011

80 degree weather in April

One of the perks of living in San Diego is great weather year round. There are some times when we get real lucky & get summer weather in spring! This happened this week!!
I was able to get on the afternoon half day trip!
The fish count was not great the day before but I thought it was worth a shot.
The weather was amazing!!! I fished on the New Seaforth this trip. I only brought one rod and rigged up for bottom. Luckily nothing else was biting or I may have been unprepared!
What was not amazing was the current. It was too windy too drift & because of the current fishing was challenging.
We picked away at the fish all day & I ended up throwing back 3 littles, kept 2 smalls & got one decent rockfish.
I gave my catch to my friends who watched my kids :)

Just for fun I want to shares these pictures! I didn't take them the Captain of the boat had gone on an 8 day ecological trip last month (on my bucket list) & I asked him to send me these pictures I thought they we so cool! They went to Mexico to the lagoons where migrating gray whales give birth, they go in skiffs & the whales come right up. Passengers also go off the boat on the islands & hike.

Baby gray whale


The day after I fished the boats had great counts down at the Coronado islands for yellowtail. It has been hit or miss but fishing is about to get good & hopefully I will have a lot to blog about!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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